St. Patrick Alliance of Women

Saint Patrick Alliance of Women (SPA) thrives on the principles of Spiritual, Service and Social endeavors for both our parish and our community.  SPA first…

Centering Prayer

What does the Contemplative Outreach logo signify? The symbol representing Contemplative Outreach is called “Job’s Redeemer – Patient Waiting.” The heart and soul of Centering…

Cursillo and Ultreya

The Cursillo retreat weekend allows a Catholic to develop a deeper, stronger personal relationship with the Holy Spirit to enjoy for a lifetime.   As it…

Faith Formation

2024-25 Faith Formation ****** Please Note New Times for Sunday Faith Formation **************** Classes begin Wednesday, September 18th (Middle and High School) & Sunday September…

Helping Hands

St. Patrick Helping Hands Ministry is looking for additional volunteers to assist with bringing parishioners without transportation to Mass on the weekends.  It requires a compassionate heart,…

Revive and Return

You are invited to learn about a new ministry in our parish! What is “Revive & Return”? When someone you love drifts away from their…

St. Elizabeth Caring for Kids Ministry

Please join us as we support our local school children.  Some go home each Friday who may not have food until they return to school…

St. Vincent de Paul

What We Do Our food pantry, located at St. Mary of the Lakes in Eustis, typically provides food for as many as 25 clients a…

Early Childhood Learning Center

Click here to learn more about the Early Childhood Learning Center

Ministry of Consolation

The Ministry of Consolation will provide support and assistance to a family after the death of a loved one.  Our goal is to plan a…

Music Ministry

Here are some specific ways that You can get involved: The St. Patrick Music Ministry welcomes all singers at all levels of talent. Music reading…

Altar Server

If you would like to become an altar server at St. Patrick’s: Contact the parish office if you are interested at: (352) 383-8556 Initially, you…

Joy of Aging

Joy of Aging was launched at the St. Patrick’s in October of 2018 by a small group of parishioners who were interested in sharing with…

Ministry to the Sick

Ministry to the Sick at Waterman Hospital, Area Nursing Homes and Home Visits At St. Patrick’s, the Ministry to the Sick is a pastoral ministry…

St. Patrick Youth Ministry

Welcome to St. Patrick Youth Ministry! ALL ARE WELCOME! SPY Mission Statement: SPY is a social and service organization that is growing the faith of…

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Bishop William Borders of the Diocese of Orlando from 1968 – 1974 declared the first ever participation of the laity as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy…

Knights of Columbus

St. Patrick’s Council Knights of Columbus meets the 1st Tuesday (Business Meeting) of every month. For more information call our office at (352) 383-8556. The…

Ministers of the Word

Lectors bring God’s word to life at Mass, as they proclaim the Scriptures and lead the Prayers of the Faithful. They devote time to preparing…

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry makes more than shawls and lap blankets. This ministry has expanded to also making covers for the “nap mats” for the…

Ministers of Hospitality & Ushers

The role of Ministers of Hospitality is to foster a warm community that welcomes and values each person. These volunteers greet the gathering assembly, assist…


The sacristan prepares the Church for the celebration of Mass or other liturgical events such as baptisms.  This includes overseeing the placement of unconsecrated bread and…

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