The Ministry of Consolation will provide support and assistance to a family after the death of a loved one. Our goal is to plan a funeral mass that is personal, meaningful, and comforting and which includes:
- Immediate care for transportation, food, and home needs via the St. Patrick Helping Hands Ministry.
- Funeral Planning for the funeral mass liturgy by coordinating activities within the parish with the family. This includes the Scripture Reading (en Español) and music, and if desired, a vigil, internment, and a reception. Family members are encouraged to participate in the funeral mass. Pre-planning is encouraged.
- Consolation support home visits.
- Grief support care via Bereavement Support meetings.
Who should apply?
Parishioners who believe they are being called to assist grieving families. Diocesan requirements include Safe Environment Training, fingerprinting, and a two day training course.
Bereavement Support Meetings
Please join us at our Bereavement Support Meertings. Dates and times are published in the weekly parish bulletin.
For more information please contact:
Parish Office at (352) 383-8556
- St. Patrick Ministry of Consolation Guidelines
- Diocese of Orlando
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on Bereavement and Funerals
Information on Catholic Cremation: