We are bringing back the Jesus & the Eucharist program beginning Tuesday, February 25th in the Parish Hall. Last year over 200 of your St. Patrick friends experienced the program and their response was overwhelming. In truth, many are returning and bringing a friend.
The National Eucharistic Congress designed this 7-week Jesus & the Eucharist Program to help Catholics fall in love with the Mass and the Eucharist all over again. This video-based program draws from lesson content created by the Augustine Institute and features an impressive lineup of speakers including Chris Stefanick, Dr. Brant Pietre, Dr. Michael Barber and more.
Sign up after Mass for either a morning sessions at 9:45 am or an evening at 6:30 pm.
We are praying that everyone will find a friend or relative who could use such an experience in their lives and invite them to join you for the program. We promise that you will be amazed by Christ’s crazy love for you and His Church.
For more information Click Here or visit www.eucharisticrevival.org.