Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.

-Catechism of the Catholic Church 2590

Prayer Request Form

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Morning, daytime, evening and night prayers online from Give Us This Day.

The St. Patrick Youth invites you to pray the Rosary every afternoon at 4:00 pm. The St. Patrick Youth are collectively praying together in their individual homes at that time. It is powerful to know that so many are lifting their prayers at once. Feel free to join them from your home. (Check out these Rosary Petitions in Time of Pandemic)

Join Fr. James Martin, SJ, Jesuit priest, author and editor-at-large at America, the national Catholic magazine, for faith sharing on Facebook at 3 pm daily.

An online ministry of Creighton University –Liturgy Training Publications

Daily prayer and reflections on the Sunday Scriptures (for adults, teens, children)

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