Updated 8/30/2022
Welcome Back!
From our Bishop John Noonan,
“Effective Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022, the obligation to participate in the Eucharist in person on Sundays and other holy days of obligation is restored”
As we welcome our children and parishioners back, we provide important protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19. While we know these protocols might be difficult for some to accept, we are acting in what we believe is in the best interest of the children and adults we serve, as well as the teachers and ministers who bring the Word of God to our communities. God is truly with us, and we will persevere for His ministries.
While the COVID positivity rate in your county is 8% or higher, masks will be required for all indoor activities, including children’s catechesis, youth ministry, and adult ministry. THE DIOCESE WILL INFORM US IF AND WHEN THIS CHANGES FOR OUR PARISH.
When the transmission status in your county is reduced below the 8% positivity rate, masks will become optional. THE DIOCESE WILL INFORM US IF AND WHEN THIS CHANGES FOR OUR PARISH.
Exposure Protocol: Parish Protocols for in person catechesis, youth ministry, and adult formation regarding participants or volunteers that have been in close contact (within 6 feet of someone for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period) with someone who has COVID-19 are as follows:
People who are fully vaccinated are allowed to return to parish activities after contact with someone who had COVID-19 unless they have symptoms. However, fully vaccinated people should get tested 3-5 days after their exposure, even if they don’t have symptoms and continue to wear a mask indoors following exposure.
Non-vaccinated may not return to parish for 14 days following an exposure or can show proof of a positive COVID-19 illness within the past 3 months and have no symptoms (for example, cough, shortness of breath).
Anyone who is experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19 must refrain from attending and participating in catechetical classes or events.
These general COVID-19 protocols will be monitored and adjusted as needed for the safety of our children, young people, parishioners and staff within our parishes. We pray for you and your families. We ask God to protect those entrusted to our care and all involved in ministry.
Click here for information from the Center for Disease Control on recommendations and directions on how to wear face masks effectively. Please also continue to safely wash hands before coming to mass, use hand sanitizer, and practice social distancing, especially, during Communion. We recognize the cases of Covid-19 are on the rise again in the state of Florida and will do anything in our power to prevent exposure while on the property.
We will continue to do our best to provide Mass via live-stream for those who would like to participate from home. Click here for the St. Patrick Youtube channel.

Thank you for your cooperation and support as we work together to ensure that our worship experience is safe for all!
Pope Francis prayed for prudence as communities begin lifting their lockdowns.
The Holy Father said, “At this time, we pray that the Lord would give his people – all of us – the grace of prudence and obedience to the instructions so that the pandemic does not return.” As this process unfolds, there will certainly be challenges, but the safety of our community will remain the benchmark.
What to expect when you come to church:
- Safety practices will be implemented
- We strongly suggest all wear a mask. Masks will be provided at the Welcome Desk for anyone who requests one.
- Hand sanitizer dispensers will be filled, but you may also bring your own sanitizer.
- Stay home if you are sick. We will do our best to continue our efforts to live-stream Mass.
- Liturgical changes will be in place
- Song lyrics will be projected and you may use a smart phone or a “Give Us This Day” daily prayer book to access the readings for Mass if necessary.
- The Communion process has returned to pre-pandemic procedures.
Online Resources during This Time of Social Distancing
During this time of COVID-19, people and communities like ours are trying to courageously practice “social distancing” for the common good. And at the same time, we are called to fight the effects of anxiety and isolation that increase when so much of our experience and understanding is being turned upside down.
Perhaps during this extraordinary moment, we might commit ourselves to finding creative ways to be Church. Let us strive to be Church with our neighbors through phone calls, video-chats, letter-writing, social media messages … the things that will remind others that they – and we – are not alone.
Unfortunately, there are some people trying to take advantage of this situation and scam people. Please note that the priests will never email or text you personally asking for help. If you are unsure of a message you received please call the office at (352) 383-8556 to verify its integrity.
For more information on various resources, please click on the drop down menu and go to the topic you wish to view. We hope that sharing these opportunities will help our community stay engaged and connected.
Livestream Mass from St. Patrick at our St. Patrick Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3jhCVQwLdUbsU8-NlzhXMA
Through the gift of technology, experience our Masses live as they happen, or watch them anytime
Stay in Touch with Us!
- “LIKE” our Facebook Page
- MyParish App: To download text “App” to 88202 or search “myParish” in your app store
- View the St. Patrick bulletin
- Join for emails and notifications directly from the church. Text SPMD to 84576 to receive updates and news from St. Patrick via Flocknote
Sunday Giving and Donations
The outreach St. Patrick’s continues to provide, as well as the ongoing daily operations of the parish (payroll, utilities, maintenance, etc.) are dependent on your generous regular giving. If you are already giving to the parish online – thank you! If you would like to learn how you can give online, please click Here. Thank you for your generosity!