Mark Miller

The sacristan prepares the Church for the celebration of Mass or other liturgical events such as baptisms.  This includes overseeing the placement of unconsecrated bread and wine, liturgical vessels, books, linens, and vestments, as well as preparing the Altar and sanctuary for Mass.  After the Mass the sacristan will ensure the vessels are properly sanitized and prepared for their next use. In addition to assisting the presiding clergy, coordination with the scheduled EHMC, lector, altar server, and usher leads are essential. 

A sacristan is present at every liturgical event in the Church.  Initial training is on-the-job with an experienced sacristan, followed by mandated classes typically once or twice a year by St. Patrick’s or the Diocese.  Sacristans will need to complete the Diocese Safe Environment Training and fingerprinting. 

Contact Michael Orola, Director of Music & Liturgy if interested.  352-383-8556, x228

Helpful Links:

St. Patrick Sacristan Guidelines

Related articles to Sacristan on the Orlando Diocese website

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