If you would like to become an altar server at St. Patrick’s:
- Contact the parish office if you are interested at: (352) 383-8556
- Initially, you will be added as a third server to a Mass with a pair of more experienced servers to learn the process as an observer.
- After experiencing the process, and if you should decide to be a scheduled server, you will be scheduled for a more detailed class to learn proper names of altar items and a more complete study of your role in the Mass.
- The server schedule will be posted on the church website. It is the server’s responsibility to arrange for a replacement if you are unable to serve at the assigned Mass.
- Remember that this is a commitment of the server and the parents to be present at Mass when scheduled.
- You will be excused from faith formation class if you are scheduled to serve 11:30 a.m. Mass.
- Please check in the Sacristy or Ministry room before Mass to be certain a minimum of two servers are present for each Mass.