Refer to the set-up for a weekday Mass guidelines. Typically there will be only one EMHC on a weekday, the Altar Server; however you should assess if another one or two are needed. (The MoC ministers are also EMHCs. Do not set-up cups for the Precious Blood. There typically will not be EMHCs for the Precious Blood.)

Refer to the funeral’s Family Choices Form. If an offertory procession, set-up the wine pitcher and Presider’s host in the Presider’s ciborium on the table near the Baptismal Font, as you would for a weekend Mass. Cover both with a cloth. Be at the table to hand over the gifts when the family members come to the table to start the procession.

If no offertory procession, set-up the credence table as you would for a weekday mass; IF NEEDED, place additional ciboria.

After estimating the Hosts in the Tabernacle, complete the count for hosts as you would for a normal weekday Mass. If this is a large funeral guess the percentage of those receiving Holy Communion. Determine if you need to add hosts. Use your good judgement and be comfortable with your decision.

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