A recent question: Can a corporal be reused? The short answer is YES*.
However, reuse is not recommended unless you, as Sacristan, recognize unusual circumstances that may cause us to run out of corporals prior to a wash cycle. Be vigilant for the Sacristans that will follow you and reuse if you see the need.
No change to current practice.
*Per guidance from Deacon Jose:
The GIRM does not require a new corporal for each Mass; it is sufficient for the corporal to be opened and folded with due care to avoid any mishaps. For this reason a corporal should be opened one section at a time while lying flat and never shook open.*
*ROME, 2 FEB. 2016 (ZENIT)
Answered by Legionary of Christ Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy and dean of theology at the Regina Apostolorum university.