There are four 2024 distribution of ashes services: 9 AM English Mass; 12 N Liturgy of the Word without Communion; 5 PM Liturgy of the Word without Communion; 7 PM bi-lingual Mass. Both Masses should have two Sacristans assigned, one to manage the Altar and one for the ashes.
The 9 AM Mass will have twelve EMHCs assigned plus the Presider. Only the eight assigned “HOST EMHCs” at the Mass will distribute ashes; not the “CUP EMHCs”. [9 Positions: Presider, Capt., 2, 7, HH, 8, 10,12, 13.] 325 attended this 2/14/2024 Mass.
Dry ashes should be set aside in a separate bowl for a Priest to take to the typical 11 AM Waterman Village Mass.
The 12 N Liturgy of the Word service will have three EMHCs plus the Presider for the distribution of ashes. [4 Positions: Presider, Capt., 2, 7.] 190 attended this 2/14/2024 service. Consider adding two more EMHCs for 2025. If no HH assignment in 2025, agree on how the handicapped will be managed (For example, first to complete their line).
The 5 PM Liturgy of the Word service will have six EMHCs plus the Presider for the distribution of ashes. [7 Positions: Presider, Capt., 2, 7, HH, 8, 10.] 214 attended this 2/14/2024 service.
The 7 PM Mass will have twelve EMHCs assigned plus the Presider. Only the eight assigned “HOST EMHCs” at the Mass will distribute ashes; not the “CUP EMHCs”. [9 Positions: Presider, Capt., 2, 7, HH, 8, 10,12, 13.]; 562 attended this 2/14/2024 Mass.
There is no ‘normal Wednesday’ Adoration following the 9 AM Mass.
Set the air conditioner timers for abnormal occupied time.
The Church Office receives the ashes, ‘enough for 1200 applications/Joe Marshall’ in a small zip-lock bag. All were used; 1291+ MTS recipients
counted. There were no reports of anyone running out of ashes. There was one dropped and shattered bowl during the 7 PM Mass.
There is no liturgy involved in placing the dry ashes in the bowls; a blessing is done during the service.
After the homily, the ashes are sprinkled with Holy Water (not Chrism Oil) by the Presider and blessed. If no Deacon, the Altar Server should be prepared to hold the binder for the Priest during his blessing.
The ashes are distributed per the normal Communion Host distribution positions. Application statement: “Repent and believe in the Gospel.” Provide a copy for each EMHC at each service. [An optional statement: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”] The EMHCs are invited to the Altar by Fr. Hank during his blessing of the ashes. The EMHCs receive ashes and then go to their assigned positions. When distributing ashes the ministers should stand back, closer to the Altar than for Communion, so the ministers whose line is finished have more room to assist.
After distribution, the Presider and EMHCs wash and dry using lemon water in a pitcher with a bowl and dry their hands. (Using sanitizing wipes is not liturgically correct / Fr. Hank 2/12/24.) If no Deacon, the Altar Server should be prepared to manage the water pitcher.
The Prayers of the Faithful follow for a Mass. See the Orders of Worship provided by Michael Orola.
On a longer table located next to the lectern’s Altar side, set up (see photo.):
1. Holy Water bowl and sprinkler.
2. 9 (Mass) or 4/7 (Lit. Word) pinch bowls with ashes at each service. Place 3/8 teaspoon of ashes in each bowl.
3. A pitcher with lemon water and bowl, and towels as determined by the number of those placing ashes at each service.
4. A wicker basket for the used towels.
After each service prep the water and pinch bowls and towels for the next service by draining the poured water into the sacrarium (per Fr. Hank 2/12/24), replacing the lemon water in the pitcher, and replacing the towels. The existing ashes in the pinch bowls, if not used for MTS, are rinsed into the sacrarium and the bowls washed and prepped for the next service.
1. MTS – For the Ministry to the Sick (coor. – Lois Hennessy), who provides their own containers: Avante {1}; Waterman Hospital {2}; Zellwood Station {1}; Certus & Springwater at Waterman Village {1}. Ashes for these sites are collected from the ‘blessed’ ashes remaining after the 9 AM service. The MTSs are given their individual containers along with the ability to add Holy Water should the ashes dry prior to distribution. After the 9 AM Mass Fr. Hank said it was OK to put ashes in Pics for MTS ministers, pointing out their rinse water should be poured on the ground, not down the drain.
2. MSP – The two Deacons arrived for the 9 AM Mass. They were not scheduled per MSP, the result of which led to mild confusion in the EMHC Ministry Room and with position assignments during distribution. Also, volunteers declined to sign-up as Captain and several volunteers did not appear. For most of the services, volunteers were walking in five minute prior saying “I’m here”. [This will always be with us!]
The request for volunteers for Ash Wednesday volunteers should include a notice that the Host EMHCs are expected to distribute ashes. Some EMHC volunteers refused to distribute ashes when they were told this.
3. ASHES FOR DAY CARE – Ask the Church Office if (Rear Left) pews should be reserved for the children.
4. LATE ASH DISTRIBUTION – Fr. Hank made it known that ‘he would not be distributing ashes in the Sacristy, that those wanting ashes should attend the service’. Several people requested ashes after distribution and were invited, where appropriate, to attend the next service.
5. 7 PM MASS COMMUNION – Even though almost 600 people attended this Mass, only about 200 took Communion, as noted by the approximately 400 Hosts returned to the Tabernacle.
6. ALTAR CANDLES – [Optional] An after the fact suggestion from MG: “always start off Lent with new altar candles. This way you don’t have to change them in the middle of Lent. It is just an “environment” thing so that you see the candles getting lower in waiting for Easter. Same thing goes for Advent.” The candles were planned to be replaced this weekend.
7. USHERS – The Usher Coordinator should ensure ushers are assigned for each service. 2024 was pick-up in nature.
8. COLLECTION – [For confirmation at the 2025 Ash Wednesday Liturgy Meeting.] The collection will be taken at the normal time during the Mass and for the Liturgy of the Word it will be taken after ash distribution and prior to the Prayers of the Faithful. {A suggested option: Complete the collection prior to the distribution of ashes. Some were leaving after receipt of the ashes. Also, announce what the collection is for.}