Bishop William Borders of the Diocese of Orlando from 1968 – 1974 declared the first ever participation of the laity as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. This ministry has grown tremendously through the years. As the laity realized the honor and privilege that was now available to them, many have stepped forward to accept the Mantra.
To participate: The candidate must be in full communion with the Church having completed the Sacraments of Initiation. Attend a training workshop offered by the Office of Liturgy and receive local training and walk-through at the parish.
The Mandate to distribute Holy Communion is for two years to the nearest First Sunday of Advent.
We presently have over 100 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion although that sounds like a lot we need 15 Ministers at three of the Sunday Masses and 7 at the other, that means 52 people have to be available each weekend.
This is a very humbling Ministry as the realization of offering the Body and Blood of Christ to the congregation brings an awareness of the closeness you feel in serving the Lord.