Saint Patrick Alliance of Women (SPA) thrives on the principles of Spiritual, Service and Social endeavors for both our parish and our community. SPA first began meeting in Spring of 2021, then blossomed in their Fall of 2021 with additional membership.
SPA usually meets on the fourth Saturday of the month with a light breakfast and social time from 9:30am-10:00am, and then with a meeting full of activities and interesting information from 10:00am until 12:00pm. Some meeting days are replaced with events, such as our Welcome Back BBQ and the Day of Reflection, both of which occur annually and are open to the entire parish..
Please see the church bulletin for any upcoming meetings or events, or contact the parish office for more information.
The current officers of SPA are: President – Shari Berens; Vice President – Lyn Willequer; Secretary – Alissa Constant; and Treasurer – Christina Williams.
Committee Chairs are also appointed and lead the following committees: Spiritual, Communications, Service, Membership, Programs, Hospitality/Social and Travel.
SPA service projects are planned in Fall and Spring and are undertaken for the benefit of the parish and/or surrounding community needs.
All women of St. Patrick parish are welcome and encouraged to join SPA, regardless of age or marital status. Just check out the church bulletin for upcoming meetings or events, and we’ll see you at SPA!